Sean Lavin hosts the Beneath The Surface Podcast, another great show dedicated to the Aussie Mining Industry. In this chat, we yarned about both our journey’s of starting a Podcast and why the hell we are still turning up with new episodes each week.
Make sure you subscribe to Lavo’s Podcast “Beneath The Surface” via Apple Podcasts or PlayerFM and also check out his Podcast Website for more info.
Tristan Sommerford is your modern day Aussie Mining Engineer (with a beard). Trizo was one of the early on boarders with Shane McLeay at...
This episode suggestion came from Mat Butler, who wanted to know some tips and tricks for being an awesome Grad/Miner/Engineer/Manager.
Sean “TED” Stewart has come back for a round 2 (head back to episode #46 for the best Mining rumours). Aside from spreading rumours...