So this was a bit of a piss take I did at work recently (worthy of a share). Tucker was having a meeting with the big boss to see if we can get a pay rise. As I could not attend the meeting, I sent him a mash up of funny endorsements from people on site (had a to pay some of them). I thought we’d bring some humour to the event, big boss got a laugh so all good. Enjoy.
Buy all your Life Of Mine Merch here ► ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. This episode is sponsored by the Go-To Mining Consultant, Entech Mining. Give them...
Turnsy is your new age Safety & Training guru. Turnsy envisages a much simpler future in Mining Safety. He sees that making employees more...
You will all know Steven Poznik from his infamous Dirty Hole Designs T-Shirts. After listening to this conversation, you will realise that this bloke...